This competition was hosted online by Indiskool, a group offering classes and learning materials for various subjects. Click the link below to know more about them.

This competition displayed all my creativity and ideas in a reliable Platform. In the below video I have explained about what the contest taught me, please also note that this video was one of my responses to the activities in this competition.

Round 2 Activity 5: Reflection video about competition

My Submissions

Here below I am linking my responses to each round for you to view.

Round 1

Round 1: short story

Round 2

Above is the link to my Family tree, Activity 2 for Round 2.

Above is the link to my sustainable gadget invention, Activity 3 for Round 2.

Above are the links to my code and my coded text, Activity 4 for Round 2.

I challenge you to decode the text and send it to me (Email).

