Fantasia Adventures is the first book I have written, published through Amazon as an eBook & Paperback. This book is a major milestone for me because this is my first step to becoming a good author. On this page, I will tell you more about the book and where to find it.

About the Book

“Lizzie Thomas stumbles upon the magical world of Fantasia and explores the new universe she has discovered. But when she finds out about an evil Queen who is plotting to destroy the wonderful Kingdom, Lizzie knows she must help. She joins forces with creatures from across Fantasia and embarks on a journey to free the entire Kingdom from its terrible future. Accompany Lizzie and her friends on their memorable adventure, uncovering the dark truth behind the past…”

Where can you find it?

My book can be found on all Amazon marketplaces. Below is the list of the marketplaces and links to the book.

I hope you all enjoy reading my book! Stay safe and enjoy!

